If your PC has multiple users then you can now display legal notice to every user before they login to your PC. This legal notice will be displayed at every startup just before the Desktop is loaded. Using this you can tell your friends about the do’s and dont’s in your computer when they login in your absence. Well you can do this pretty easily. For this there is one small registry hack. Here is the step-by-step instruction to do this.
1. Go to Start->Run, type regedit and hit ENTER
2. Navigate to the following key in the registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \policies\system
On the right side pane look for “legalnoticecaption“, double click on it and enter the desired Legal Notice Caption.
3. Next below this look for “legalnoticetext” and enter the desired Legal Notice Text. The legal notice text can be up to a page in it’s size so that it can include a set of do’s and dont’s for your computer.
4. After you do this just restart your computer and upon the next startup you can see the legal notice information for your computer. This trick works on both XP and Vista. You can also try it on Windows 7 and should work with no problems.
Hope you like this post. Pass your comments.
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