URL Shortening is a trend in today’s social media and web surfing. Big giants such as Google and YouTube have their own URL shorteners, too. It’s not just because the URL
shortening is a trend of the present, but also it’s important for tiny conversations like twitter or facebook status.
The trend, URL Shortening, was founded by Tinyurl.com at first and spread widely by twitter. Because you’re limited by how many characters you can use in your conversation, you need everything Short but right. That’s why URL Shortening is important and popular at the same time.
Tinyurl.com has an option to preview the shortened link before you visit the site. If you include a word, preview, before the domain tinyurl.com, you will see where the link goes. But what about other shorteners?
Well, you can easily check the link before you have a go to any shortened URL by this
firefox plugin. But sometimes you just don’t want to restart your firefox and want a quicker way to do this.